How Cloud is acting as a temporary fix

How Cloud is acting as a temporary fix

Many companies negotiating full data centre rebuilds are considering cloud solutions to ‘fill the gap’ as demands on business-critical applications grow. Cloud-based solutions of this type are providing businesses with the ability to extend legacy infrastructures until they can be upgraded, re-built, or until companies decide to deploy more cloud computing power.

How to protect your privacy in Linux

How to protect your privacy in Linux

Privacy is an issue on many people’s minds these days, including those that run Linux on their computers. Linux has long had a strong reputation as a secure operating system, but there are still things that you can do to help protect your privacy while running Linux.

Chrome extensions for Gmail

Chrome extensions for Gmail

While Gmail alone can dramatically improve your email efficiency, Gmail and Chrome together make a one-two productivity punch that’s hard to beat. Here are four Chrome extensions that help reduce the time you spend in your inbox so you can focus on the work that really matters.

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