Balance VDI user experience and security

Balance VDI user experience and security

In the world of VDI, balance is also essential when it comes to user experience and security. Unfortunately for VDI administrators, there is no all-powerful chosen one who can swoop in and deliver the balance they need. One of the measures for securing your VDI is to allocate enough hardware resources to ensure virtual desktops perform at least as well as physical desktops do.

Best time management tricks for engineers

Best time management tricks for engineers

As the wise “Tao Te Ching” said: “The Master does nothing, yet he leaves nothing undone. The ordinary man is always doing things, yet many more are left to be done.”. The whole secret or efficiency resides in time management. Since we can’t turn into supernatural beings or warp spacetime as we please, we have to make the most of our time, which is why time management is so important.

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