Louisiana saves lives thanks to Open Source

Louisiana saves lives thanks to Open Source

Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) is working with an Open Source project to evacuate citizens in case of dangerous storms or hurricanes.

With support from Boundless, they are deploying GeoSHAPE, a software designed for humanitarian assistance which helps identifying hospitals and other sanitary services at risk for flooding and damage from storms and hurricanes.

5 specialized Linux distros

5 specialized Linux distros

There are Linux distros designed to meet the specific needs of a single professional sector or a concrete group of users. In this posts we are listing some of them we found at Omicrono

Scientific Linux: A distro built by CERN and Fermilab scientifics who decided to create a special operating system for universities and labs worldwide. It is Red Hat Linux based and offers a stable and scalable desktop which enables the development of scientific applications.

How to make the most out of your computers

How to make the most out of your computers

Optimizing resources is very important for most companies and it is also a challenge for IT departments, since both devices and software usually require updates or become obsolete in a very short time.

UDS Enterprise, our connection broker for Windows and Linux, helps getting return on investments and leverage informatic devices, as it enables access to PCs anywhere and anytime.

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