EMC open sources RackHD

EMC open sources RackHD

EMC keeps on moving towards Open Source. After open sourcing CoprHD project, announced at EMC World, they have just released RackHD under Apache 2.0 license.

In this way, this project can be improved by the community and vendors can include support for their infrastructure products.

24×7 workplace with UDS Enterprise: How it works

24×7 workplace with UDS Enterprise: How it works

At the beginning of this week we explained the architecture of RemotePC project, which was presented at RedIRIS Technical Conference 2015. In this post we’re digging deeper into the way the different elements interact to guarantee 24×7 access to the universities’ computers in the ICT classrooms.

The user accesses from the website provided by the university and UDS Enterprise gives the order to OpenGnsys to enable remote access to one of the devices available in the computer classroom and the operating system it has to run.

How to manage vSphere efficiently

How to manage vSphere efficiently

If you are an IT administrator and you manage VMware vSphere virtualization platform, have a look at these useful tips:

-Don’t use Raw Device Mappings (RDMs). Try VMware Virtual Volumes instead, which is far less complex and more useful.

-See VMFS volumes and make sure they are upgraded.

-Use vSphere tags and categories. They help you organize virtual machines (VMs) in a customized way, considering elements not related to infrastructure. You can arrange them, for example, by production, development, off-site DR…

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