Best VDI solution, BriForum & Online Demo

Best VDI solution, BriForum & Online Demo

The election of UDS Enterprise as best on premise VDI solution by CRUE-TIC and RedIRIS, the BriForum conference which will be held this week in Denver and the availability of UDS Enterprise Online Demo have been the most outstanding topics in our blog for the last two weeks.

Below you can find the links to these articles in case you didn’t have the opportunity to read them:

UDS Enterprise chosen best On Premise VDI solution

BriForum Denver 2015

UDS Enterprise Online Demo released

Arno, Open Source software to enable deployment of NFV

Arno, Open Source software to enable deployment of NFV

The OPNFV Project, an Open Source platform to accelerate the introduction of new Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) products and services, announced the availability of the community’s first software release: Arno.

It is a solution aimed at anyone who is exploring NFV deployments, developing Virtual Network Functions (VNF) applications, or interested in NFV performance and use case-based testing. This developer-focused release provides an initial build of the NFV Infrastructure (NFVI) and Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM) components of ETSI NFV architecture.

UDS Enterprise & Citrix XenServer integration

UDS Enterprise & Citrix XenServer integration

UDS Enterprise fully integrates with Citrix XenSever 6.5 onwards. In fact, UDS Enterprise has been recognized as Citrix Ready.

UDS Enterprise components are offered in Virtual Appliance format and they are hosted on the XenServer platform on which the virtual desktops are going to be deployed.

The integration process is very easy, you can check it reading this presentation:

oVirt, a full-fledged hypervisor competitor

oVirt, a full-fledged hypervisor competitor

Today we sum up an article published in ZDNet that talks about Red Hat‘s oVirt potential and possibilities, standing out the University of Seville case study thanks to its integration with UDS Enterprise.

As the article explaines, oVirt is a free and Open Source project with huge capabilities and which is now a serious competitor to VMware’s ESXi and competing products, such as Microsoft’s Hyper-V, Citrix’s XenServer or Proxmox.

UDS Enterprise Online Demo released

UDS Enterprise Online Demo released

UDS Enterprise Online Demo is already available, a great way to try our VDI connection broker for Windows and Linux quickly and easily, without any infrastructure.

UDS Enterprise Online Demo lets you try a completely functional version of our software for a limited time with different types of Windows and Linux virtual desktops and access to the administration.

Follow the instructions in our web to request access to UDS Enterprise Online Demo

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