What’s new in UDS Enterprise 1.7 II

What’s new in UDS Enterprise 1.7 II

At the begining of this week we explained some of the improvements introduced in the new version of our VDI connection broker for Windows and Linux. Today we continue listing the improvements introduced by UDS Enterprise 1.7.

The development team has added a custom CoRD built inside UDS Enterprise, making simpler to download it, the OS Managers now include “max idle allowed” configuration and authentication fixes regarding Ldap have been performed, including possible security related issues.

It´s time to deploy non-persistent desktops

It´s time to deploy non-persistent desktops

One of the arguments of the companies so far for not to deploy non-persistent desktops has been that the workers unwelcomed them, since they wanted to use on their computers the programs and applications that they considered appropriate.

Now that all employees have mobile devices and use in that private devices the applications they want, they don’t care so much what can be installed or not on their corporate computers.

UDS Enterprise & Hyper-V integration

UDS Enterprise & Hyper-V integration

UDS Enterprise fully integrates with Microsoft Hyper-V (version 3 onwards).

UDS Enterprise components are offered in Virtual Appliance format and they are hosted on the Hyper-V platform on which the virtual desktops are going to be deployed.

The integration process is very easy, you can check it reading this presentation:

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