Ensure a successful adoption of VDI (First Part)

Ensure a successful adoption of VDI (First Part)

The adoption of a VDI platform without taking some previous steps will surely lead the project to direct failure. In order to avoid this outcome, the UDS Enterprise Team describes below the most important elements you should bear in mind before implementing a virtual desktops platform into production.

Analyzing the current situation

Before implementing a VDI platform, we advise you to evaluate the requirements of the end user station environment and their states, and determine what the needs and advantages that desktop virtualization could provide to the organization. This is vital to carrying out these projects successfully. The work done during this initial phase will allow you to accurately define the most suitable parameters so that you can shape the solution that you need.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.11 available

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.11 available

Red Hat has announced the availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux’s new version, 5.11. The company reinforces its commitment for security and performance introducing important improvements in these areas.

One of the most outstanding features in this edition is the new OpenSCAP version, with new qualified providers for this standard.

This new platform introduces other interesting features, such as new storage controls, improvements in Red Hat Access Support depuration capacities and in Red Hat Enterprise Linux hosts which operate in VMware ESXi.

Advantages of Linux virtual desktops

Advantages of Linux virtual desktops

The versatility of UDS Enterprise allows connection to Linux machines using a wide variety of alternatives, among which are those that incorporate access via HTML5. The broker itself is responsible for automating the deployment of Linux virtual desktops, managing their life cycles at all times.

A user station based on Linux provides many advantages, for example, a greater security, since it is more difficult to attack this operating system through malware and the system complicates the execution of actions or the running of processes that are harmful. If it detects them, it isolates them very quickly thanks to its modular nature.

Analysis: the new VMware Hyper-Converged solutions

Analysis: the new VMware Hyper-Converged solutions

The UDS Enterprise team analyses in this post the new hyper-converged infrastructures that VMware presented at VMworld 2014, which took place at San Francisco:

With its EVO family, VMware makes a new incursion in the cloud with a solution that scales the resources available for a cloud infrastructure through modules which contain all the resources available (CPU, memory, storage, network…) integrating quickly and efficiently to the management and administration cloud tools, both public and private.

UDS Enterprise 1.5 improvements (Second Part)

UDS Enterprise 1.5 improvements (Second Part)

Last week we published a post describing some of UDS Enterprise 1.5 improvements . In this article we explain the remaining new features introduced by the new version of our desktop virtualization connection broker.

Both users and VDI administrators can now set up or disable the root user from the advanced configuration dashboard. In this way, the system can be configured to have root access from the login window.

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