Univ. of La Laguna: “We wanted UDS Enterprise to be our VDI broker”

Univ. of La Laguna: “We wanted UDS Enterprise to be our VDI broker”

Our Gold Partner Lanmedia Comunicaciones organized last week the webinar Remote access solutions for the educational environment. In this interesting online session, they presented their proposals to help in the digital transformation of this sector. One of their clients, the University of La Laguna, related how he was able to facilitate online learning to their students by implementing desktop virtualization with UDS Enterprise.

Haven’t upgraded to UDS Enterprise 3.0 yet?

Haven’t upgraded to UDS Enterprise 3.0 yet?

The UDS Enterprise team recommends to all subscribers and users with a trial edition who do not yet have the new version of the software in production to upgrade their platforms as soon as possible. Not only will they be able to enjoy the new functionalities and improvements added to our broker, but they will also increase the performance and security of their systems, since UDS Enterprise 3.0 incorporates interesting advances in these areas.

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