Kali Linux: how to install and use the distro for ethical hacking

Kali Linux: how to install and use the distro for ethical hacking

Kali Linux is a distribution based on Debian and specially designed for computer security audits. Developed by Offensive Security, it incorporates a wide catalog of tools to carry out computer forensics, penetration and reverse engineering testing… It can be truly useful for professionals in charge of IT security in an organization, administrators and network architects, security auditors, or anyone interested in learning about how to discover and even exploit vulnerabilities.

Solve the challenges of hybrid Education with Azure and UDS

Solve the challenges of hybrid Education with Azure and UDS

Schools, high-schools, universities, academies… the entire Education sector is immersed in a stage of innovation that necessarily implies adapting hybrid models, face-to-face and digital, which allow keeping on learning regardless of the place where both students and teachers are.

Virtual Cable and Microsoft have organized a webinar for next Wednesday, October 14 to reveal the keys and best practices when it comes to tackling the complexity posed by these new scenarios.

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