Webinar recording: graphics intensive VDI with UDS and PCoIP

Webinar recording: graphics intensive VDI with UDS and PCoIP

Remote work was gradually being installed in our lives; some companies were progressively implementing it. But the current health crisis is accelerating this process and is leading companies to look for a solution that helps their employees to continue working from home as fast as possible to keep the production cycle alive at the lower cost that this situation allows. Desktop and application virtualization is an essential technology to provide a fast, efficient and secure solution.

When designing the infrastructure that will make remote working viable, it is convenient to analyze the needs of each group of users, so that all of them can carry out their tasks seamlessly. Workstations using graphics-intensive applications require a special mention, since if the right components are not used, it will be impossible to provide a good user experience. Choosing an appropriate connection protocol is essential to provide the best performance at both image and audio level.

Remote access to physical devices with UDS and VirtualBox

Remote access to physical devices with UDS and VirtualBox

The current health situation has made remote working a primary need for companies and organizations around the world. Many of them decide to provide remote access to the physical computers located in the offices, so that their employees can continue to carry out their tasks from home as usual. As we we recently explained in our blog, the desktop and application virtualization broker UDS Enterprise enables a comprehensive system of this type to be launched quickly, efficiently and safely.

Telecommuting with UDS: Remote access to computers

Telecommuting with UDS: Remote access to computers

Thousands of organizations worldwide face the challenge of implementing a remote working system urgently to ensure the continuity of their business. The UDS Enterprise connection broker for desktop and application virtualization allows to establish an efficient and secure telecommuting system quickly and easily. With this VDI broker, the IT department can decide the way that best suits their needs to allow work from home: enable access to Windows and Linux virtual desktops and applications or to physical devices located in offices. In both cases, employees can use any device to connect.

Secure e-Learning and telecommuting for Education with VDI

Secure e-Learning and telecommuting for Education with VDI

Since the very beginning of its professional activity, VirtualCable has had a close relationship with the educational sector in general and with the Spanish universities in particular. We have worked closely with many of them making custom developments to facilitate the adoption of desktop and application virtualization technology.

We have also collaborated on joint projects to make available to the entire educational community functionalities that did not exist to date (such as the access to VDI and vApp through Moodle), which simplify IT work and help teachers and students improve their academic experience.

RedIRIS organizes live video sessions on remote work

RedIRIS organizes live video sessions on remote work

RedIRIS, the Spanish academic and research network, encourages all affiliated institutions to share their experiences and the challenges they are facing these days due to the urgency with which they are having to implement a remote work system. Together with the TECNIRIS community, they have organized a series of live video sessions where all affiliated institutions may participate, including universities, public administrations and public research centers.

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