Schools in India save more than $400 million by implementing Linux

by | May 17, 2019

Schools in the Indian state of Kerala will save around 428 million dollars using Linux as operating system on more than 200,000 computers. They will install a distribution based on Ubuntu developed by KITE (Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education). It is called IT@School and includes free and Open Source applications specially customized for students and teachers.

Kerala is the first Indian state with 100% literacy and since 2003 has established IT classes as a compulsory subject in schools. In 2005, they began to adopt free and open software, as the beginning of a long-term plan to replace all the proprietary software of the educational system and that allowed them to save about 50 million dollars a year in licenses from 2015.

In a neighboring state, Tamil Nadu, Linux is also used in schools and public institutions and many other states are taking the Digital India national program, which promotes the use of Linux and Open Source software.

Teaching professionals are already preparing to face the change successfully and take full advantage of the new open IT tools. More than 150,000 primary teachers are being trained to learn how to use educational software running on Linux through courses organized by the administration.

India is not the only country that is promoting the use of only Open Source software. More and more public institutions and educational organizations around the world are taking advantage of this type of software.

Source: It’s FOSS



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