New version of our VDI broker: UDS 3.0 under development

by | Oct 8, 2019

The UDS Enterprise development team has been working on the new version of our connection broker for desktop and application virtualization for months. It will mark a milestone in the project, both at technical and image level.

UDS Enterprise 3.0 will significantly improve the performance, security and stability of the platform. It will include a multitude of new and important features and functionalities, many of them requested by our community of customers, partners and users. In addition, the backend migration to a new much more efficient platform is being carried out.

At the aesthetic level, the change will be very significant, since the entire design will be renewed following a much more modern and state-of-the-art line, oriented above all to improve usability for administrators and users of virtual desktops and applications.

The development of the new release is progressing at a good clip and we will soon begin to disclose the new features and functionalities. Over the next few months we will reveal the specific launch date.

The UDS Enterprise connection broker allows you to automatically and centrally deploy and manage the full lifecycle of your Windows and Linux virtual desktops and applications in a safe, fast and easy way. It supports HA environments for Windows and Linux, can be deployed on-premise or in any public, private or hybrid cloud.

Users can access through a web browser at any time, from any place and any device, including zero and thin clients. It’s a vendor-agnostic solution, software administrators are free to enable multiple hypervisors, authenticators and connection protocols to run simultaneously.

The platform is Open Source, 100% customizable both at image and technical level, avoiding vendor lock-in. There’s no need to pay for licenses. There are subscriptions including an efficient personalized support service and updates, and a flat rate from 351 users.

The latest available version of our VDI and vApp broker is 2.2.1. You can try it for free.

For more information, you can contact the UDS Enterprise team at [email protected].



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