The source explorer Sourcetrail is now free and Open Source

by | Nov 21, 2019

All the founding members of the Sourcetrail project have agreed to change their business model: they have published their code in GitHub and they are going to finance the development and maintenance of the software through Patreon.

Sourcetrail is a cross-platform source code explorer that uses static analysis in C, C ++, Java and Python source code and allows you to navigate the information collected within a user interface. Interactively combine graphic and code display.

Until now it was marketed through a licensing system, but they were not reaching the number of developers they wanted. Therefore, they have decided to turn the project into Open Source and Free Software, to solve in a stroke many of the problems they faced: now they will reach many more developers, they will benefit from word of mouth and they will get community support to solve specific problems or foster developments demanded by users.

They have chosen to publish Sourcetrail under GNU General Public License and encourage all users to collaborate on its improvement and development. For those who have a commercial license, they reported that they will continue to provide support as long as the license remains in effect and that they will continue to release updates every three months.

The creators of the project also invite all those who want to collaborate with the maintenance and support of the tool to do their bit making an economic contribution through Patreon.

For more information about this project, visit their official website.



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