Ubuntu kiosk mode, savings in Azure VDI and UDS in India

by | May 2, 2019

ETIQUETAS: Azure-en | Hot news | Ubuntu-en

The article where we explain how to turn an Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop operating system into a Linux connection client in kiosk mode for VDI using a script developed by the UDS Enterprise team has been the most read of all the ones we published during the past month of April.

Next, we find the post in which we provide the keys to save costs in VDI and vApp deployments in Azure with UDS Enterprise, thanks to the ability of our connection broker to program the creation and destruction of the virtual desktops and applications.

In third position comes the news talking about the incorporation of a new consultant for the Indian market to the UDS Enterprise team.

As every month, we gather the links to the most interesting posts according to our community in case you still haven’t had a chance to read them:

Turning Ubuntu 18 into kiosk mode for VDI

Cost savings in VDI deployments in Azure with UDS Enterprise

UDS Enterprise consolidates its presence in India



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