UDS Enterprise 2.2.1, free software contest and exams with VDI

by | Feb 4, 2019

Like every month, we’re collecting here the most read articles in our blog. This past January, our followers were first interested in the release of the new version of the VDI and vApp connection broker UDS Enterprise 2.2.1.

The next topic that aroused most interest was the Free Software University Contest called by several Spanish university centers.

In third position, the use of virtual desktops by the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) to resolve certain technical limitations and thus be able to successfully perform the public exams to the auxiliary staff of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands.

Find below the links to the news on these topics in case you have not yet had the opportunity to read them:

New version of the UDS Enterprise VDI & vApp connection broker

New edition of the Free Software University Competition

Public exams at UIB using VDI managed by UDS Enterprise



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