2014 Top Linux Software

by | Feb 18, 2015

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Linux-en

The prestigious community of users LinuxQuestions has published the list of the best Open Source programs for Linux according to their surveys.

Linux Mint, Ubuntu and Slackware have tied in the category of best desktop distribution; while Android has achieved the first place among all mobile operating systems in the market with more than 56% votes.

As to the best server distribution, CentOS has been the number one, followed closely by Slackware and with a little more distance by Debian.

LibreOffice has been elected the best office software of the year attracting over 86% of the votes; and one of the great surprises has been Firefox, which has passed Chrome as best browser of 2014.

The best messaging program is, according to voters, Pidgin; the best VoIP application Skype and the best application for audio and video reproduction in Linux is VLC.

Other outstanding categories are the best program of publishing, which has been for GIMP; the best file manager, led by Dolphin; the best FTP client, with FileZilla in first place, or the best privacy solution, where Adblock Plus has been chosen.

You can see the full list at LinuxQuestions.



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