30% of workers will have digital, mobile and secure identity

by | Jan 27, 2020

Coinciding with its 20 years of presence in Spain, the consulting firm IDC Research Spain advanced last week during its Futurescapes 2020 event its technological Predictions for this year. They confirmed that companies will opt for the investment in digitalization, which will go from the current 36% to 50% in 2023. They also highlighted that in 2023, 30% of the workers will have their own digital, private, mobile and secure identity.

As a main novelty this year, the consulting firm has structured its Predictions around the priorities of Spanish companies in Digital Transformation.

  1. Digital Platform Predictions. There will be a Mix of On Premise, Cloud and Multicloud scenarios that will reach 90% of organizations in 2021. With a main focus on investment in automation, orchestration and management of the life cycle of applications and native cloud platforms.

  2. IoT Predictions as a data generator for Digital Transformation. By 2020, 90% of organizations will have defined KPIs to measure the success of their IoT projects. On the other hand, 70% of IoT developments will include Artificial Intelligence solutions to make decisions at Edge that facilitate the operational strategy of organizations.

  3. Predictions and Development of 5G + Edge. In 2020, there will be a symbiosis between 5G & Edge Computing to enable the intelligent data transport layer. In 2022, there will be a consolidation of the 5G network in the large Spanish cities making them Smart Digital Hubs.

  4. Artificial Intelligence Predictions. By 2022, 75% of companies will incorporate intelligent automation into technology and process development, using AI-based software to discover ideas to guide innovation. The Artificial Intelligence sector in Spain will reach € 650M in 2022, growing 32.3% compared to 2019, and 35.6% in the accumulated in 2022 (2020-2022 period).

  5. Workplace Predictions. In 2023, 30% of the workforce will have their own digital, private, mobile and secure work identity, allowing them to access the tools and data they need.

  6. Customer Experience Predictions. In 2022, 75% of companies will incorporate artificial intelligence into technologies and processes to discover ideas to guide innovation. Intelligent user personalization through AI will be the basis for achieving unique and augmented user experiences.

  7. Cybersecurity Predictions. In 2021, 50% of analysts at the security operations center (SOC) will increase their productivity thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning.

For IDC Research Spain, the digitalization process is a race towards the survival of the company, being artificial intelligence the brain of this trip and the accelerators of innovation (IoT, 5G , etc.) impellers and stabilizers to be able to deliver a personalized value proposal for the client, employee and supplier. Moreover, according to this research firm, it is necessary to evolve the cybersecurity strategy towards digital trust and data security in this new intelligent era.



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