4 guides to help you build your OpenStack cloud

by | Dec 2, 2016

In a fast-moving project like OpenStack, it seems like there's more to learn with every day that passed. There are plenty of tools out there to help you keep up, including hands-on training courses, books, and of course the official documentation. The following are 4 of the most outstanding tools to build your open source cloud:

Rally is a benchmarking tool that can help you to understand how your OpenStack cloud is performing at scale.

Full Stack Automation with Ansible and OpenStack is another solution.

Horizon is designed to be extensible, so anyone running an OpenStack cloud can easily add access to features specific to their implementation.

Three common use case examples of integrating Ceph with OpenStack are shown by Keith Tenzerof, including Cinder, Glance, and Nova for block storage, image storage, and virtual disks, respectively, along with the steps for setting up each one.




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