UDS Enterprise 3.5: new VDI solutions for each sector

by | Jun 2, 2022

The arrival of UDS Enterprise 3.5 has brought about a change in the business strategy of Virtual Cable, which is based on the development of different solutions focused on different sectors. The objective of this change is to further customize the solutions and adapt them 100% to the specific needs of each sector.

Seven tailor-made solutions have been designed and named after their target audience. These are:

UDS Education: Focused on the correct development of a secure and flexible eLearning. As an outstanding functionality it is compatible with Moodle.

UDS Call Center : It includes virtual desktops with built-in telephony, CTI and IP telephony systems, native VoIP support in VDI Windows and Linux, softphone integration and specific authentication for Call Centers.

UDS SMB: Designed for SMEs. It has special contracting conditions, which allow you to obtain the same functionalities as large companies without high investments.

: Perfect for the Public Administration thanks to its centralized management of multiple offices and the improvement in the attention to citizens.

UDS Health: Specific for the health sector, it allows you to control health and management software from any device, have real-time monitoring of patients 24×7 and view X-rays, scanners, and graphics-intensive vApp with maximum quality.

UDS DaaS: This option enables VDI and pay-per-use applications without investment in hardware or operating systems. Among other things, it includes maintenance and updates.

UDS Corporate: Designed for all types of companies, with a great focus on security and absolute control of all devices. Perfect for achieving a “digital workspace” with the same performance at home as in the office.

Request now a demo version of the UDS solution for your sector through this form.



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