UDS Enterprise demo in Praim’s ThinMan training

by | Jun 18, 2021

Our technology partner Praim has organized a training on their ThinMan software, which will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The great interest that the recent alliance with Virtual Cable (developer of UDS Enterprise) is generating, has led to the end of the first day's session being reserved to show a demo of the interoperability of Praim solutions with UDS Enterprise.

In this training session, which will be presented in Spanish, the integration of the UDS Client in the Praim Agile software will be explained. UDS Enterprise is natively incorporated in all Praim devices and can also be used in all terminals where the Praim Agile endpoint management software is installed. This development allows customers to enjoy the advantages of having direct access to virtual desktops and applications, as well as to remotely accessible devices managed and deployed by UDS Enterprise.

The UDS Enterprise technical team will carry out a complete demo of the product. Attendees will have the opportunity to know in depth all the functionalities of this VDI software. They will see live how easy it is to install, and how to deploy Windows and Linux virtual desktops and applications. Likewise, they will learn all the configuration possibilities of this connection broker to build an infrastructure tailored to the needs of each project.

Before this interesting demo, Praim experts will reveal all the details of ThinMan, the console that helps automate all management processes of enterprise devices in a simple, fast, and intuitive way. This solution provides a unified control panel, from which you can centralize the tasks of monitoring, updating, and provide support to all devices, both those located in the office, as well as those used to work remotely. It is compatible with a wide range of terminals, such as Praim and third-party Thin Clients, PCs, notebooks, and Raspberry Pi.

This course will take place on Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd June. Attendance is totally free, and an official certificate of participation will be delivered at the end of the training. Anyone interested can register at the following link:

ThinMan Training. June 22 and 23

For more information about the integration of Praim solutions with the UDS Enterprise software for VDI, vApp and remote access to devices, don’t miss the webinar that we have organized for next July 7th. Sign up now:

Webinar. Praim and Virtual Cable: Agile and UDS Enterprise integration (The webinar will be in English and Italian)

If you have any questions, you can contact us through [email protected]



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