Next week 49th edition of RedIRIS Working Groups will be held

by | Apr 16, 2021

ETIQUETAS: Education | Hot news

RedIRIS, the Spanish academic and research network, has organized a new session of its Working Groups for next week. The 49th edition of this event will be held online on Tuesday, April 20. The objective of this conference is "to disseminate the news of the services offered to the more than 500 affiliated institutions, in addition to sharing experiences and seeking synergies among attendees".

The meeting will begin with the intervention of the rector of RedIRIS, Alberto Pérez, who will welcome the attendees with an institutional speech. Next, there will be four presentations in which the news in different areas of RedIRIS will be announced: cloud services of the OCREs project, Network, Systems and Security and Middleware.

The program will close with an interesting round table that will address the subject Remote working in academic and scientific centers. Specialists from relevant institutions affiliated with RedIRIS will speak about the needs that distance and blended learning have generated in organizations in the education and research sector.

This time around, the debate will not focus on technology. Aspects such as challenges at the organizational, security or legal compliance level that they face today will be discussed. The organizations that will participate in the round table are: the University of Castilla La Mancha, the Open University of Catalonia, the Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research, and the Complutense University of Madrid on behalf of the ICT Sector in Crue Universidades.

More than 150 people have already registered for the event. You can register at this link. The event will begin at 10:00 next Tuesday, April 20.



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