Linux App Summit kicks off tomorrow

by | Nov 11, 2020

Accelerate the growth of the Linux application ecosystem. That is the goal of Linux Application Summit (LAS), an online event that begins tomorrow and will last until Saturday, November 14 and is organized by the GNOME and KDE communities.

Specifically, the speakers and guests will address topics such as the creation, packaging and distribution of applications, their design, and the monetization within the Linux ecosystem.

Experts will advise on best practices when communicating with users or how to create a community around an application. They will also present interesting tools and technologies that make development easier and the platforms where the applications can be hosted.

Anyone interested in the design and development of Linux applications is invited to attend LAS, where application developers, designers, product managers, user experience specialists, community leaders and academic professionals will meet.

To attend the event you just have to register at the official website



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