Webinar: Remote working and eLearning with Nutanix and UDS

by | Sep 29, 2020

Nutanix and Virtual Cable, the company behind UDS Enterprise, have organized a webinar in Spanish which will be held next Tuesday, October 6, to reveal the benefits of combining VDI and hyperconvergence when implementing remote working and distance learning.

In this interesting online session, experts from both companies will explain why desktop virtualization (VDI) has proven to be the ideal technology to deploy in record time a simple and efficient remote working solution for any environment, whatever its scale. They will also explain the benefits of combining the power of a hyperconverged system with this virtual remote working infrastructures.

The event will close with the presentation of the IT team of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, who will share their experience with the UDS Enterprise + Nutanix joint VDI solution. It allows students and teachers to access the University’s virtual classrooms 24×7, from anywhere and using any device.

Educational and public organizations can use UDS Enterprise + Nutanix to simplify and increase their IT operations, without discarding existing solutions or rebuilding server rooms from scratch. In addition, the intrinsic advantages of desktop and application virtualization are added, such as automation of all IT management and maintenance in a centralized and easy way through a flexible, scalable and high-performance platform. VDI allows all programs, applications and user data to be stored on a remote server, which can be on-premise, hosted in a private, public or hybrid cloud.

Now more than ever, any organization needs all users to be able to access software, applications and data from anywhere and through any device quickly and securely. To learn all the keys to implement the best distance working and learning solution, register for this webinar in Spanish: Remote working and eLearning in record time with Nutanix and UDS Enterprise

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