Why you should adopt VDI in your organization

by | Mar 20, 2020

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Tips | VDI-en

It seems that with each passing year, more companies are experimenting with or fully implementing VDI. While there have been some clumsy and imperfect examples of VDI software and usage here and there, businesses today are coming to recognize a number of benefits they can enjoy by putting a reliable virtual desktop system in place. In this piece we want to explore some of those benefits by pointing out a few reasons to consider adopting VDI in your organization.

Flexibility & remote working

The current health crisis is forcing most companies to enable remote working for their employees to prevent the fast spread of Covid-19. We’re seeing how telecommuting was not the norm and organizations of all kinds are having to adjust to this trend. VDI makes for a naturally appealing option in this scenario. It gives employees working remotely the option of accessing work-related resources anytime and from any device. This can help to improve performance and keep remote workers reliably tapped in to organizational. Not to mention the employees will appreciate the flexibility on their end as well.


One of the main points of adopting VDI is to bring about a higher level of digital security. By nature, the idea of hosting virtual desktops on remote servers protects them from any harm that could come to them through individual user devices (or for that matter user carelessness). That’s not to say security concerns are eliminated altogether. The servers themselves must remain secure, administrators must act responsibly, and improvements can always be made. In fact, we posted in January about VDI security improvements, supporting the idea that there’s always more that can be done. Compared to more traditional setups though, VDI is generally valued for its benefits regarding security.


Another reason to consider adopting VDI is if your organization makes use of its own app or web application. If that’s the case, VDI can help you to communicate updates automatically and seamlessly. Today, there are specific software systems in place that make it easy for organizations (or individuals for that matter) to edit and improve sites and applications alike on the fly. Updatable lists various improvements that can be made without any sort of coding effort or application teardown, including visual modifications, redirects and rewrites, and more. That makes the updates themselves painless. But with VDI, an organization can also ensure that the updated web application or app is immediately available as the primary option for users (whereas without VDI they may have to seek out and download an updated version on their own).

Activity Separation

This idea ties into that of flexibility (and by extension, security). But it’s worth mentioning that VDI can also enable workers to separate their personal activity from work activity. For instance, a remote worker using his or her own laptop to access a work VDI can still download personal applications, games, video files, or whatever else on the device. This can occur completely separately from work activity, enabling people to enjoy a clear divide between the personal and the professional.

Hardware Costs

Net savings shouldn’t necessarily be assumed when it comes to implementing VDI. For instance, having to invest in additional server hardware at any point can increase various costs (for power, cooling, etc.). Generally though, some savings on hardware are likely. VDI effectively negates the need for robust PCs in the workplace. They can be replaced, by and large, with cheaper thin clients, and employees can work on their own devices as well. Often enough, this will lead to net savings.

VDI still may not be the perfect solution for every modern organization. These benefits explain why more and more companies are considering it however, and paint a fairly appealing picture of what VDI has to offer.

Specially written for UDSEnterprise.com by: Ember River

If you are looking for a reliable VDI solution, ask us for our UDS Enterprise desktop and application connection broker at [email protected]



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