Linux is the least targeted OS by malvertising

by | Dec 2, 2019

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Linux-en | Security

Linux is the safest operating system when it comes to the possibility of receiving malicious advertising campaigns. This conclusion is drawn from a study published by the security firm DEVCON, in which they ensure that the majority of online ads hiding malware are targeted to Windows OS. These campaigns are designed for the user to click on a link and be redirected to a fraudulent site or to download any type of virus and thus infect the device.

This graphic shows malware campaigns detected from July 11 to November 22, 2019.

Analyzing the data in this report, 60.70% of the malicious campaigns target Windows. Secondly, we find the threats affecting Chrome OS, with 22.5%. And in third position is macOS, with 10, 5%.

As can be seen in the graph above, only 0.3% of attacks are targeted to Linux. The second least attractive OS for cyber criminals is iPadOS, with only 0.8% threats. The third safest system in this regard is Android, with 2.1%.

As for attacks targeting Windows, the security firm warns that in addition to malicious advertisements, this OS is increasingly receiving more ransomware. This type of malware that blocks access to the device and asks for money in exchange for releasing it or for not publishing confidential data has registered an increase of 74.2% in the last year.

Regardless of the operating system they use, users should always take the maximum security measures possible, such as having an updated antivirus installed, frequently removing the browser cache, distrusting suspicious ads, using secure web browsers or don’t let the browser save their passwords.

For more information, visit DEVCON website.



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