Join the XIV Free Software University Contest

by | Nov 11, 2019

Registrations are now open to the XIV Free Software University Contest powered by the University of Seville and the University of Huelva. All university students, middle and upper grade students of the Spanish education system are invited to participate in this free software, hardware and technical documentation contest.

Those interested in participating, must register and have their own blog where they will narrate the different steps they will take to develop their project. Another requirement is to use GitHub, GitLad, LaunchPad or other repository to host the source code and make it available to the community.

The evaluation committee will assess the following aspects:

  • Impact of the project on the Free Software community and society.

  • Quality of development.

  • Viability of the project.

  • Degree of completion.

  • Degree of accessibility.

The contestants will opt for the following prizes endowed each with 100 euros:

  • Best Scientific / Research project award.

  • Best Educational / Leisure project award.

  • Best Systems / Security project award.

  • Best Cloud / Web project award.

The main objective of this contest is to promote the creation and contribute to the consolidation of the Free Software community in the university community. It is oriented both to those who already have experience in the development of projects of this nature and to those who want to start. The latter can take advantage of the contest to learn and take the first steps in software development.

Numerous universities and institutions linked to Free Software are part of the community of this contest and local final phases will be established in order to reward the best projects in their area. Thus, both universities and their students will gain greater visibility and recognition.

Any university, organization, community, entity or company interested in participating and collaborating with the XIV Free Software University Contest can do so through this website.

VirtualCable, the company behind the VDI and vApp connection broker UDS Enterprise is helping in the dissemination of this contest through their official communication channels, since the whole team is faithful defender of Free Software and Open Source.



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