UDS Enterprise + XCP-ng, Velorcios & VirtualBox

by | Dec 4, 2018

During the past month of November the announcement of the joint VDI solution made up by UDS Enterprise, XCP-ng and Xen Orchestra has been the most read article among all those published on our blog.

Next, our followers have been interested in the event held by our Certified Partner Velorcios Group to present our VDI and vApp connection broker to important companies and organizations in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas of Gran Canaria.

The ranking of our three most read articles in November is closed by the one who talks about how to protect against a day zero vulnerability detected in VirtualBox.If you have not yet had the opportunity to read the articles related to these topics, find below the links to them:

Full VDI stack: UDS Enterprise + XCP-ng + Xen Orchestra

Velorcios Group presents UDS in the Canary Islands

How to protect against zero-day vulnerability in VirtualBox



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