Advantages of Open Source for financial services

by | Oct 1, 2018

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

The financial services is one of the sectors that are currently embracing the use of Open Source technologies. The Linux Foundation has organized the first edition of Open FinTech Forum to help CIOs and technicians in these companies to drive the adoption of these tools.

In this event attendees will learn the keys to create Open Source internal programs and how Open Source technologies related for example with Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain or Kubernetes can become interesting allies to improve business efficiency and flexibility.

Decision-makers will have a broader view of the wide range of open technologies that can help them speed up time to market and implement new applications quickly and inexpensively.

In addition, they will acquire the appropriate knowledge to design an pen Source software implementation strategy to enable new products and services, increase IT efficiency or establish internal license compliance programs.

The organization of this event is another example of how more and more industries and sectors are aware of the great advantages and benefits of using Open Source technologies.

Open FinTech Forum will be held in New York next 10th and 11th of October. More information at the event’s website.



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