Fedora CoreOS, a bet on Linux containers

by | Jun 22, 2018

Earlier this year Red Hat announced the purchase of CoreOS, a developer company, among other technologies, of Container Linux. This acquisition has laid the foundations for a new project: Fedora CoreOS.

This new operating system will be based on Fedora and will replace Container Linux and Fedora Atomic Host. Red Hat will continue to offer support to Container Linux users at least during this year 2018 and will facilitate the migration to Fedora CoreOS.

This OS will combine technologies such as Ignition from Container Linux with SELinux hardening from the Atomic Project. The ultimate goal is to develop the best Linux container solution capable of executing scalable workloads.

Fedora CoreOS is going to be a project driven by the community and will be available without any cost. It is currently under development and it is expected that the first version will be available and announced soon.




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