Blackboard Day is celebrated today in Lima

by | May 30, 2018

ETIQUETAS: Education | Hot news

An international team of Blackboard experts are announcing today at Blackboard Day 2018 in Lima (Peru) interesting technological tools that help boost the development of educational, corporate and governmental institutions.

The event is held at The Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Center. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in interactive sessions with a focus on leadership, practical workshops and conferences especially designed for those who are committed to the training and development of their collaborators, as well as with the future of education.

During the day, real Case Studies of implementations of innovative technologies that adapt perfectly to the evolution of learning will be presented. In addition, there will be networking spaces with international industry leaders and you can exchange experiences and best practices with other members of the Blackboard community.

Blackboard makes a set of technological tools available to the academic community to facilitate teaching work and adapt teaching and learning to current trends.

More information on the event website.



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