Open Source software identifies endangered species

by | May 10, 2018

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

A new Open Source software is able to predict which species of fauna and flora are at risk of extinction. It is a data visualization tool called BipartGraph that also helps to establish corrective measures and forecast the consequences that variations of natural ecosystems can have for each country.

The developers are a group of Spanish researchers from the Polytechnical University of Madrid, the U-tad University Center and the Francisco de Vitoria University. It has been developed in the R programming language, available at GitHub .

Ecologists from different research groups are now using this free software that helps, among other things, identify a common type of risk: climate change, water stress, the displacement of their habitats by human pressure …

This type of progress is an example of how digitization, Big Data, data analytics and interactive visualization tools contribute to scientific progress and have direct application in the development and conservation of the environment.

Source: Agencia Sinc



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