LibrePlanet 2018: Free Software in embedded systems

by | Mar 22, 2018

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

Under the slogan "Freedom. Embedded ", the tenth edition of LibrePlanet will start on Saturday, March 24. The annual event organized by the Free Software Foundation aimed at all free software enthusiasts and those interested in the intersection of technology and social justice.

As the motto of the event announces, this year the protagonists will be the embedded systems, which are spreading to all areas of society, and which are already part of our daily lives in the smartwatches we use, in the traffic lights of the cities or in the cars that we drive.

Today´s proprietary software flood this type of systems, hence the importance of finding a way to incorporate copyleft code and protection against the government and corporate surveillance in integrated systems. In LibrePlanet there will be discussed the keys to make free software the norm in this type of systems so that we can move towards a freer world.

Over the last decade, this conference has brought together software developers, experts in law and politics, activists, students and users with the aim of exchanging experience, knowing the new milestones of free software and looking for solutions to current challenges.

More information on the LibrePlanet 2018 official website.



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