The Pentagon will move to Open Source in 2018

by | Nov 15, 2017

Far from the military actions themselves, the United States Pentagon is one of the places in the world where much of the work, such as reporting, briefings, data management and management tasks, are carried out with computer software. Next year a great change could be built, since there is a proposed bill to stop using proprietary software in favor of Open Source.

There are several reasons why the military could adopt Open Source. In addition to cost savings in licenses, the use of Open Source tools allows to adopt technological advances as they are generated, without having to go through an acquisition process. Another reason is security, since this type of code is in constant use and it is reviewed by millions of users around the world who immediately share any vulnerability and how to solve it.

The impulse of Open Source in the US Government is not something new. In August 2016 the White House Information Director, Tony Scott, appealed for the development and use of a new Open Source code for the Federal Government , specifically highlighting that such code “is safe, reliable and effective.

But these initiatives also have detractors, because of the fear that anyone can see, for example, how the US military systems operate. Some private companies that would be significantly harmed if this new legislation goes ahead have also started their particular crusade against this change.

Now we will have to wait to see if the bill goes ahead and is included in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018. In that case, the Pentagon will start using Open Source software for new projects, relying on the transparency and security of collaborative projects.

Source: The Verge



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