3 keys to upgrade SMBs to the cloud

by | Feb 23, 2017

ETIQUETAS: Cloud-en | Tips

According to the latest data from the National Institute of Statistics (NIS), introduction of cloud computing in Spain has grown from 15% to 19% in the last year. There are three reasons why SMBs that have not yet risen to the cloud should not take long in doing it.

-Provides competitive, strategic and quantifiable advantages: In terms of reduction or minimization, the cloud eliminates or drastically reduces hardware and infrastructure costs and maintenance costs, and also requires less capacity and limits IT risks.

-Greater security: Security audits, certifications and compliance with the most demanding standards give you more protection guarantees and best practices in the cloud environment than outside it.

-Staggered migration: To start the change you must analyze what should be in cloud mode, what you can expect and what you would prefer to keep internally.

-Discover more options for your company: Read how digital transformation is changing the way business is understood and developed in three key sectors of the economy such as tourism, retail and education.

Source: Tecnología para tu empresa.



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