UAM VDI, Computer Port IT, UDS Enterprise & OpenNebula

by | Dec 1, 2016

The success story of the Autonomous University of Madrid that deploys around 1.000 virtual desktops per month with UDS Enterprise, the distinction of our partner Computer Port IT Solutions as one of the fastest growing IT companies in the storage field in India, as well as the advantages of desktop virtualization with UDS Enterprise and OpenNebula, have been the most outstanding news that hook the attention of our followers in the last two weeks.

In order to keep the focus on the most strinking information about virtualization and Open Source, according to our community, below we collect the articles that talk about these subjects in case you did not have the opportunity to read them:

UAM: 35.000 Windows & Linux VDI users

Our partner in India one of the fastest growing companies

Advantages of VDI with UDS Enterprise and OpenNebula



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