A better app delivery can only be through Cloud

by | Nov 21, 2016

ETIQUETAS: Cloud-en | Hot news | vApp-en

IT is challenged by the line of business to deliver a competitive edge to compete in a global market. Securely delivering vApp and data to any device is a core IT workflow to enable productivity. Top executives at the biggest corporations are now handling most of their business via their mobile device because they need to be able to make decisions where customers, suppliers, and employees are at exactly the moment it matters.

CEO of Coca-Cola Germany, Ulrik Nehammer, says about his need to be mobile that "the most dangerous place to make a decision is in the office.”.

Increasingly, productivity occurs outside the office.  More than 50% of employees work in a remote office outside of headquarters. That means IT needs to provide them with real-time access to productivity vApp and data. For many IT departments, these new demands must still be met using a constrained budget.

In response to new user requirements, IT often deploys app delivery technology, such as virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). This solution quickly delivers desktop, applications, and data to any user on any device. The challenge facing VDI is that many companies still believe it requires building significant infrastructure.

One of the biggest drawbacks of buying and building infrastructure is that it locks IT into a generation of technology and a set of vendors for three to five years. In today’s environment, IT must respond to business needs as fast as possible. When companies can figure out how to cut the cord and move to a cloud service, IT gains the agility it requires. Cloud services are platform agnostic, as well as highly flexible, deploying and scaling instantly. The most efficient method of providing secure access to desktops, applications, and data to any employee’s device is VDI – deployed via the cloud. As a cloud service, VDI does not require IT to build any infrastructure because its infrastructure lives in the cloud. Keep in mind that not all VDI cloud services are the same. Typically, they fall into two categories; traditional architecture hosted on the cloud and offered as a service, or a 100% cloud-based service.

Source: CloudTech



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