Mozilla supports Open Source projects with $300.000

by | Oct 6, 2016

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

The Mozilla Foundation has granted over $300.000 to foster the development of Open Source project during the third quarter 2016. This initiative is part of Mozilla Open Source Support (MOSS) program, designed to help developers in their projects related to Mozilla.

This time, 100.000 dollars were awarded to Redash, a tool to develop data visualizations that help organizations to make better decissions. Mozilla awarded $50.000 Review Board, a software to review web-based source code. These two softwares are used by Mozilla nowadays.

They have also awarded 100.000 dollars to Kea, the succesor to ISC DHCP codebase, that deals with IP addresses allocation on a network. 56.000 dollars were awarded to Speech Rule Engine, a code library that turns mathematical markup into speech, so that sight-impaired can fully appreciate mathematical and scientific content on the web.

in addition, they have also performed two Secure Open Source audits obtaining very good results in Dnsmasq project, an embedded server for DNS and DHCP protocols, used in all mainstream Linux distros, Android, OpenStack, openWRT, DD-WRT, and many commercial routers. The second was for zlib project, a compression library.

The Mozilla Foundation will keep on awarding Open Source initiatives. The next deadline to present projects is the end of November 2016.

More information at The Mozilla Blog



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