Universities drive free software adoption

by | Apr 26, 2016

The Universities and Free Software Ranking (RuSL for the Spanish spelling) has published the fifth edition of its annual report.

The 2016 report shows a constant commitment of academic institutions to Free Software development and support. There is a growing number of universities really interested in supporting and spreading the use of free technologies. The use of Open Source tools and collaboration in free software porjects has also grown this year.

In the ranking featuring Spanish universities, this year the University Miguel Hernández of Elche is the number one, moving University of Granada to the second place. The University of La Laguna (Tenerife) is again in the third position.

Experts from RuSL explained that “most universities have improved their score, in particular the University Miguel Hernández, the University of La Laguna, the University of Sevilla, and Technical University of Madrid”.

Regarding hispanic american universities, the best ones this year are Callao National University, in Perú, the Costa Rica University and the University of Computer Sciences in Cuba.

“Hispanic american universities have improved their score over the last year’s results in Open Source culture and spreading of events related to free software”, concludes RuSL

See all results at RuSL website



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