Work from home & VDI should go hand in hand: licenses

by | Apr 14, 2016

ETIQUETAS: Remote working | Tips | VDI-en

Over last years, more and more companies are embracing remote working and allow employees to work from home at least part time. This new trend presents new challenges, but all of them can be solved thanks to desktop virtualization, which helps IT to control work environments both inside or outside the office.

For many companies considering work from home as an option, one of the firsts issues they face is how to manage software licenses. If an employee needs a licenced application for work, it must be installed both in the computer he uses at the office and at home, therefore licensing costs double.

In addition, the installation of any licensed software at employee’s home complicate license tracking and compliance. IT has to prove that all programs and applications used by workers are properly licensed. In case of a software audit, the organization also has to differentiate which software belongs to the company and which one is owned by the individual user.

VDI solves all these issues keeping licensed software within the organization data center and enabling users to access remotely to any program they need. Thus, it eliminates the requirement for licensing and tracking the applications which are not installed in the PCs at the office. It also helps to centrally and remotely manage all organization licenses.

Licensing is not the only advantage of using virtual desktops in organizations supporting work from home. In upcoming posts we’ll deal with other benefits, such as security and support.

Source: SearchVirtualDesktop



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