Analyzing VDI performance

by | Jan 26, 2016

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Tips | VDI-en

Nowadays, IT administrators face the challenge of monitoring thousands of users accessing corporate environments at the same time 24x7. These users can be anywhere and they use a wide variety of devices. In this scenario, how can we catch performance issues before they happen?

One of the options is monitoring VDI workloads effectively. If admins know how a virtual dektops environment behaves, they can provide a better experience to end users.

On the other hand, VDI and cloud servers performance data and metrics may be gathered and logged, since most of servers hosting VDI workloads require a specific amount of dedicated resources and they must be managed properly.

There are also useful performance monitoring tools. Some of them allow to gather performance data at server and end-point level. Analyzing how VDI servers operate and end users requirements help making better decissions when sizing physical infrastructure to better support virtual instances.

When analyzing performance data of specific servers with dedicated workloads, it is recommended to keep an eye on the CPU, GPU, RAM, storage and network.

In short, we should take into account management and control of underlying physical systems that support the new virtualization levels.

Fuente: WindowsITPro



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