Minimize risks in public cloud

by | Apr 23, 2015

ETIQUETAS: Cloud-en | Security | Tips

Data security is one of the issues that most concern companies when deciding about public or private cloud.

Usually, organizations tend to be more skeptical with public cloud, but there are a number of tests that can be run to identify and fix possible security holes in this type of clouds.

In order to perform these tests, first you will have select a fragment of the cloud environment that you want to test and then, you will be ready to define the strategy to be followed.

One of the actions that you can carry out is try to penetrate the part of the system that we are testing with any exposed access mechanism as, for example, a user interface, a set of APIs, or primitive access points that lead straight to the infrastructure.

To simulate attacks, we recommend using various automatic security testing tools, since most incorporate tools that collect information about response times and defense methods.

If you want to know the most common attacks that private clouds receive and learn more about safety tests, read the full article in SearchCloudComputing



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