Creating Linux virtual machines with KVM

by | Apr 1, 2015

ETIQUETAS: KVM-en | Linux-en | Tips

In our post today we explain how to deploy and create KVM virtual machines under Red Hat based distros, such as RHEL, CentOS7 and Fedora 21.

First of all, you should make sure that the system has the necessary hardware virtualization extensions or that such extensions are enabled in the BIOS and that the KVM modules are loaded in the kernel.

Then, you should install packages qemu-kvm and qemu-img. These packages provide the disk image manager and the KVM user level.

Next, you must install the tools to administer the platform:

virt-manager provides a GUI tool to administer virtual machines.

libvirt-client provides a CL tool called virsh to administer virtual environment.

virt-install provides the command “virt-install” to create virtual machines from CLI.

libvirt provides the server and host side libraries for interacting with hypervisors and host systems.

The next step is to restart libvirtd virtualization daemon, which manages the entire platform and check its status.

To create the virtual machines, we recommend the use of virt-manager. Check the whole process with screenshots in the original article by



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