Benefits of application virtualization

by | Oct 6, 2014

ETIQUETAS: Cloud-en | Hot news | vApp-en

With application virtualization, it is possible to run an application that is not installed on the work station from the very same work station. This technology isolates applications from the underlying operating system and other applications in order to achieve greater compatibility and mobility of the applications.

The most significant advantages of application virtualization are:

• Reduction of maintenance needs: there is no need for maintenance, installation or uninstallation of applications in the local PC.

• Availability of the application at any time and in any place. You only need to have network access and a compatible device (PC, terminal, laptop…).

2 sistemas operativos 1 única suscripción

• The operating system is not modified or degraded.

• Several versions of the same program or different programs, whose simultaneous installation and running could be incompatible in the same system, can be run (each application is run in its own virtual environment,
so they do not interfere with each other).

• Quickness and ease in application deployment.

• The number of licenses is optimized in the case of proprietary software.

These are the main advantages, but there are also some disadvantages regarding app virtualization. We will analyze them in another post this week, so stay tuned!



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