Ensure a successful adoption of VDI (Second Part)

by | Sep 24, 2014


At the very beginning of this week we provided some advices you should keep in mind before adopting a desktop virtualization platform. Today, we conclude those recommendations with the next steps you should take after analyzing the business and users’ needs and the existing environment.

All VDI projects that end successfully get started with a pilot test before undergoing production. This pilot allows the IT department to design, test and optimize a prototype of the environment. Before carrying out the pilot we recommend clearly identifying the solution use case, the desired functionality and the advantages and key milestones during implementation. For a pilot to be successful, collaboration between the team involved and the end user is vital.

During the pilot, the IT department must take into account the requirements and needs of the environment, the business and the end users. The tests and adjustments during that stage are crucial to recreate how virtual desktops operate in real environments. This is very useful to anticipate potential failures, as all the technical and common business problems will come to light and therefore the can be solved before you start using the virtual desktops.

Once the pilot phase has been completed, the steps necessary to get it up and running will be defined. This phase completes the implementation of the solution, with the goal of including the remaining end users in the new virtual desktop environment. Depending on how meticulous you’ve been during the pilot phase, the move into production shouldn’t be as laborious as the previous stage, since you simply have to scale the capacity of the pilot architectural elements according to the final environmental requirements. The templates for deploying the users will be created from the previous phase, with minimal modifications being required. Alternatively, new templates based on the models defined during the pilot phase can be created.

If you have any doubt or problem when implementing a VDI platform you can contact the UDS Enterprise team through our web site.



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