Advantages of Open Source based software

by | Oct 14, 2015

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

Nowadays more and more users, companies and organizations go into Open Source software.

In addition to savings from avoiding license acquisition costs, this type of software provides other benefits, such as the possibility of adapting it to each user's needs very easily and without requiring help from others.

This flexibility also allows third-party software integration and new functionalities can mbe addedd in a fast and easy way.

Moreover, the more an Open Source software is used, the more contributions it gets from the developer commmunity, so it is improved over time.

UDS Enterprise is an Open Source based software, so it has all these advantages. es un software basado en Open Source, por lo que cuenta con todas estas ventajas.

Are you an Open Source software user? Do you think the use of Open Source software brings about more benefits? Tell us in Twitter naming @UDSenterprise



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