UDS Enterprise & Moodle: Learning 3.0

UDS Enterprise & Moodle: Learning 3.0

The UDS Enterprise team has bet on the software integration with Moodle to provide best teaching and learning experience to both teachers and students in any educational institution.

With more than 79 million users, Moodle is the most used learning platform in the world, that provides educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments.

Nexenta & Canonical deliver a joint SDS solution

Nexenta & Canonical deliver a joint SDS solution

Nexenta and Canonical have announced a joint solution that pairs Nexenta’s software-defined storage with Canonical’s Ubuntu OpenStack platform: NexentaEdge.

This new solution delivers high performance object and block storage services with Juju, a service model for automating the deployment and management of applications. This joint release allows Ubuntu customers to leverage NexentaEdge and provides seamless integration with Canonical OpenStack clouds.

Mitaka simplifies OpenStack management & scalability

Mitaka simplifies OpenStack management & scalability

The OpenStack community has released Mitaka, a new version of the Open Source software for building clouds, with a focus on manageability, scalability and end-user experience.

OpenStack Mitaka was designed and built by an international community of 2.336 developers, operators and users from 293 organizations, who have been working hard to achieve a mature and stable core. Their efforts have been focused largely on making the software easier to deploy, manage and scale.

UDS Enterprise features a new VMware vSphere connector

UDS Enterprise features a new VMware vSphere connector

One of many new features that will be added to UDS Enterprise 2.0 is a new connector for vSphere. This new component makes VMware hypervisor management more easy from UDS Enterprise.

Among other features, it is compatible with new versions of VMware APIS and it can not only detect issues external to our software, but it also fixes them up. For example, it finds those machines which haven’t been totally destroyed in vSphere and it deletes them, restoring the available resources while it eases the work of platform admins and improves user experience.

New Linux distro focuses on design and performance

New Linux distro focuses on design and performance

Although there isn’t still a stable version, Apricity OS seems to have a great future. This GNU/Linux distro intends to improve design, introducing a beautiful appearance with full functionalities and top performance. These last features are ensured thanks to be based on Arch Linux, one of the most complete Linux distributions in the market.

Apricity OS lets users choose among two flavours: GNOME 3.20 desktop environment, which can be used with up to 512 MB RAM and Cinnamon

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