Today Linux turns 24 years old

Today Linux turns 24 years old

On 17 September 1991 Linus Torvalds uploaded Linux kernel version 0.01 to a FTP in the University of Helsinki. It counted a bit more than 10.000 lines of code.

At that time, he didn’t realize what that shy gesture will mean, since nowadays Linux runs inside a lot of devices we use dialy, such as browsers, smartphones, routers and even intelligent objects.

Join the World Teleworking Day with VDI & VApp

Join the World Teleworking Day with VDI & VApp

The UDS Enterprise Team joins the World Teleworking Day, since working from home is one of the advantages provided by our multiplatform connection broker for Windows and Linux.

UDS Enterprise enables the deployment of desktop, vApp and other IT services hosted in the Data Center or Cloud, so that users can access them anywhere, anytime and from any device.

UDS Enterprise 1.9 beta, Spice & moVirt

UDS Enterprise 1.9 beta, Spice & moVirt

Would you like to be up to date with the lastest news related to Open Source, VDI and virtualization? We make it easy for you. Find below the most popular articles in our blog during last weeks.

The most outstanding topics are UDS Enterprise 1.9 beta, SPICE protocol support and moVirt app:

UDS Enterprise 1.9 beta available

UDS Enterprise 1.9 supports SPICE connection protocol

Get the most out of oVirt with moVirt app

US federal agencies rely on VDI

US federal agencies rely on VDI

The US Government’s IT pros rely on desktop virtualization to provide the end users with the appropiate tools for their work while guaranteeing security.

These IT pros have usually to deal with tougher regulatory and compliance constraitns than other companies. But users request the same flexibility and need to work anywhere and using any device.

That’s why VDI is the most suitable technology and more and more agencies are implementing it.

UDS Enterprise 1.9 supports Nutanix Acropolis

UDS Enterprise 1.9 supports Nutanix Acropolis

We keep on working to strengthen our technology alliances: now we are Nutanix Authorized Partners and we are in the process to obtain Nutanix Ready certification for UDS Enterprise, because UDS Enterprise 1.9 features Nutanix Acropolis hypervisor support.

A UDS Enterprise & Nutanix Acropolis virtual desktops deployment is performed very easily, in fact we can deploy 40 virtual desktops on Nutanix Acropolis in less than 2 minutes, as you can see in this video

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