UDS Enterprise 1.9 supports SPICE connection protocol

UDS Enterprise 1.9 supports SPICE connection protocol

We keep on providing information about the latest innovations incorporated to our multiplatform connection broker for Windows and Linux.

UDS Enterprise 1.9 features support for SPICE connection protocol. Thus, we increase the number of Open Source and licensed transports supported by our software. Together with SPICE, UDS Enterprise supports RDP, XRDP, RDP through HTML5, RGS and NX.

Open Source Internet of Things tools for developers

Open Source Internet of Things tools for developers

The Internet of Things is now a technological trend and, according to the experts, it will continue to be like this for at least ten years.

Thus, developers turn their efforts towards this sector. If you are interested, here you are a list of Open Source platforms ans applications that will give you a hand with your projects:

Node-RED. It is a simple visualization tool that connects devices for the Internet of Things. The tool enables a piece of hardware, an API or on online service to be connected easily and quickly.

VMware extends unified hybrid cloud platform

VMware extends unified hybrid cloud platform

VMware is making a lot of announcements during VMworld 2015 held in San Francisco. Among them, innovations for the company’s unified hybrid cloud platform.

These new public cloud services and software-defined solutions will enable customers to build applications faster, improve IT security, recover from disasters and drive business value:

UDS Enterprise features VMware vSphere 6.0 support

UDS Enterprise features VMware vSphere 6.0 support

UDS Enterprise features full VMware vSphere 6.0 support. Our multiplatform connection broker for Windows and Linux was so far compatible with vSphere 5.

Continuing our alignment with new solutions strategy, our development team has been working during this summer to make our software compatible with the new version of VMware’s hypervisor. In this way, it is possible to deploy a VDI environment with vSphere 6.0 and UDS Enterprise.

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