vSphere 6, Remote PCs & VDI Tips

vSphere 6, Remote PCs & VDI Tips

During the last two weeks, the most outstanding topics in our blog have been the following: VMware vSphere new version, the new functionalities of UDS Enterprise with OpenGnsys and tips to avoid errors when deploying a virtual desktop infraestructure.

Below you can find the links to these posts so that you can be up to date with the most interesting news about virtualization:

VSphere 6: VMware walks towards the Hybrid Cloud

Remote PCs: New functionalities of UDS Enterprise with OpenGnsys

How to avoid the 8 most common errors in VDI

Hyper-converged storage systems for VDI

Hyper-converged storage systems for VDI

Hyper-converged storage systems are emerging as an ideal option for a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), since they allow providers to manage all configuration options. The system can be preconfigured with the type of storage and adequate networks, so virtual desktops work properly. In addition, having a single contact for support also facilitates the work of the administrator.

In this type of storage, all parts of the system are designed to work together and they are optimized for a specific type of virtualization (server virtualization or VDI). This makes it fairly simple to start with a small pilot and then update it and expand it to support the entire organization.

New UDS Enterprise Actor

New UDS Enterprise Actor

The improvements of the new version of UDS Enterprise, which will be available during this Q1 of 2015, include the addition of a new actor developed by our programmers.

This new actor is based on a common framework for all supported platforms (Windows & Linux virtual machines and physical machines). It consists of two components, one in service and another in user space, which makes possible to interact with the user. It supports the following operating systems: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 2008, Windows 2012, Ubuntu 12, 13 and 14; Fedora (from core up to 20), OpenSuse 13.1 and Centos 7.

It is worth using a free application virtualization software?

It is worth using a free application virtualization software?

Cost savings is always one of the key principles of IT departments. Thus, free tools are usually considered by companies when it comes to application virtualization. But before going for this type of software, at least 6 issues should be taken into account:

1. Do you need a new OS? Many free application virtualization tools are Open Source based and therefore, they are designed to run on Linux. In theory, this shouldn’t be a problem, but if you do not currently use Linux, you should evaluate a possible increase in support costs. On the other hand, if you decide to adopt a new server operating system, you should consider whether the employees have enough knowledge or if it would be necessary to provide specialized training.

Unifying IP services with UDS Enterprise

Unifying IP services with UDS Enterprise

Thanks to its flexibility and openness, UDS Enterprise has multiple applications, from VDI platforms deployment, right up until disaster recovery strategies, throughout desktop management and security improvements. But not only that. This multiplatform connection broker for Windows and Linux can be also used to unify any IP service registered in the system.

In this way, this software allows to configure, administer and manage nearly any IP service deployed in your network or Data Center. It provides access to virtual desktops, FTP servers, shared resources, VoIP and IP cameras through specific management models as a service. Thus, UDS Enterprise allows different IP services to interact among each other, offering a complete solution management and administration for any IT platform in a simple, robust and scalable way.

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