UDS Enterprise Newsroom released

UDS Enterprise Newsroom released

UDS Enterprise releases a new new section of its website: the Newsroom.

Here you will find all the information related to the connection broker spread by the media and on the websites of technology partners such as OpenStack, oVirt or Citrix.

You can find all technical information about the software, white papers and manuals in the Documents section.

How to build a home-made NAS for vSphere

How to build a home-made NAS for vSphere

Today we bring over an interesting article written by Larry Smith in which he reports his experience building a home-made NAS for VMware’s vSphere hypervisor.

He had been using so far Nexenta 3.x but, as he had to move to 4.x, the possibility of running a GlusterFS cluster using the two NAS servers that he used for Nexenta was called into question. Learn all the details reading this article.

KVM management tools and vSphere to oVirt migration

KVM management tools and vSphere to oVirt migration

Our analysis about KVM hypervisor management tools and the cost savings by migrating from a desktop virtualization platform with vSphere to another with oVirt have been the most read articles in our blog during the first half of December.

Below you can find the links to these 3 posts so you don’t lose track of the most outstanding information according to our followers:

VDI cost saving: vSphere to oVirt migration

KVM hypervisor management tools: oVirt

KVM hypervisor management tools: RHEV

KVM hypervisor management tools: OpenStack

KVM hypervisor management tools: OpenStack

In previous publications we talked about oVirt and Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, and today we finish our series of articles about KVM hypervisor management tools talking about OpenStack thanks, once again, to this interesting article by vMiss.net.

If we throw a glance at the matrix support of OpenStack hypervisor, we can see that the only set of drivers tested in Group A is libvirt with KVM, which means that these drivers have been deeply tested and are fully supported. Bearing in mind the warm welcome to OpenStack by the Open Source community, this fact is not surprising at all.

VDI cost saving: vSphere to oVirt migration

VDI cost saving: vSphere to oVirt migration

Economic costs may be one of the major obstacles when it comes to deploy a virtual desktop infrastructure. But, if instead of using licensed tools we undertake the project with Open Source tools, the costs drops dramatically.

That was precisely the option chosen by the University of Sevilla, since its goal was to save as much as possible without giving up the best service, performance and availability.

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